Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Violet, I composed this when I was holding you;
you are six months old.

The weight of us -
our composition,
a combined atomic number
of our elements
which were one once and always will be enjoined
must be the mass of compassion

I say a Mass of Compassion
whenever I hold you
I become greater than the sum of my parts
entwined in a mystical union
with you, because of you,

Confession, contrition, prayers, gratitude
Being your mother has made me

In love,

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Today's Quotation

"Forget all rules, forget all restrictions, as to taste, as to what ought to be said, write for the pleasure of it..." William Carlos Williams

Friday, July 6, 2012


1.a leafy shelter or recess; arbor.
2.a rustic dwelling; cottage.
3.a lady's boudoir in a medieval castle.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Vampires and Wu Tang

A common response to imperialism is invoking the supernatural, i.e., Bram Stoker's Dracula, the Boxer Rebellion, and The Ghost Dance of Native Americans.

Old World, Far East, New World. African example?

Imperialism, like industrialism is a human machine, propelled by the twin evils of hubris and capital, that cannot be stopped or impeded. Our only recourse in the face of such terrific oppression is drawing from the pool of immortal resources. Maybe this is the unlikely instrument of transformation of the collective consciousness. The evolution of man?